Tuesday 20 December 2011

Childline celebrates 25 years of helping millions in the UK

25 years since Childline simply picked up the phone and listened.


I read the Above article in today's Independent newspaper in their life section.
Presenter Esther Rantzen is now fighting for a "Silverline" for the aged people in the UK, given how successfull and how helpful Childline has been to so many young people. The article said that Childline wanted children and young people to have someone to talk to.
After reading this, I thought of how helpful it must be to be able to feel that you can talk to a stranger and feel better about sharing someone who doesnt even know your name. I also thought how sad this is aswell. Childline receives 100,000 calls a month from
Those who are scared and have no one else to turn to.
But my question is why don't they? Are they afraid that someone they know wouldn't listen, or perhaps judge? Why is it we feel more comfortable talking to a stranger about our problems then a parent, friend or a close confidant?Do we not feel comfortable taking to our close ones about our nearest and dearest?
The Samaritans has also reached out to thousands over the UK, another lifeline that should be commended for its help over the years. I was glad to read that a lifeline for the aged could be launched, as we hear harrowing news stories such as attacks on old people.
I think everyone Needs someone to speak to, someone they can tell their secrets and fears to. But why do we need a phone and a stranger on the other side to listen?

Perhaps we live in a society where people are scared to talk to close ones, Afraid of how they will react as they are the ones who know us best and perhaps we don't want to let them down.
Let's hope, regardless of the proposed cuts, lifelines such as Childline and The Samaritans will be around for Years to come as more and more children and young people keep quiet at home and reach to pick up the phone.
Everyone needs someone to talk to, to lean on. Let's not stop the help.

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