Has anyone else been watching MTV's new reality show Chelsea Settles?
I watched the first episode, and feared it may be another "teenage weight loss" program, but there's something about it that makes me want to tune in every week!
So Chelsea is a 24 year old woman who moved to LA to follow her dreams to work in fashion.
Good for her I thought, LA is known for its glamorous lifestyle and skinny wannabes, so this would be quite a challenge for the 325 pound female! The move seemed tough on her,leaving her mother, who she clearly has a close and loving relationship with, but she soon settled with a down to earth skinny roommate.
After a few failed interviews, she finally landed a job in a fashion retail store and slowly started to enjoy it.
The biggest issue was clearly her weight, which affected her confidence and lifestyle in the city.
She didn't go out on her own, hang out much with her roommates friends, or go to the crowded nightclubs in fear of what others would say or think.
I really like this girl, I think she so brave and she is confident. Its a big deal leaving home for the first time, especially to a city like LA where it is almost deemed illegal to be a curvy girl! I dont know how far the US is into the series but the latest one on MTV was where Chelsea fell out with her roommate Jenna, but finally plucked up the courage to go to a Comedy club to watch her handsome friend perform!
As much as I like Chelsea, I have to say I was completely on Jenna's side. From what I have seen Jenna is a confident and friendly person who helps Chelsea and does not judge her by her looks only by the character that she is.
Chelsea refused to spend time with Jenna and her friends one night, and seemed almost annoyed that she had friends over, even though she was invited. Jenna accused Chelsea of spending all her time in her room talking to her boyfriend online. Her personal trainer even sided with Jenna, saying that what Jenna was saying was reality and Chelsea should face up to it.
I get how tough it must be for Chelsea, but a part of me wants to give her a good shake! I admire her for seeking out a personal trainer to lose the weight she wanted and was taking walks on the beach, going to restaurants and so forth, but she still cant see the help and support that she receives!
If you want to lose weight, then you should do it the right way, which she is! So she should be more confident because she is doing it the right way!
I feel like she should get a grip and swallow her pride and realize that she has a lot more help than she thinks and get on with it!
LA is a beautiful city, but one that is fast paced and fashion changes from day to day. She comes off a little naive sometimes which I find more annoying than anything else!
I wish her all the luck in her LA dream, and I will keep watching the series to see if she reaches all her goals, I just think she needs to grow up a little. Shes a good looking, bubbly, friendly girl who doesn't need to change herself to fit in but needs to adapt to her new home as we all do when we face change!
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