Sunday 5 February 2012

Too "fat" for Fashion

Having read this article (above link) it is just another reason why the fashion industry has a negative impact on young women.
In 2008, Ananda Marchildon won Hollands Next Top Model at the young age of 21, winning €75,000 and  a position with Elite Management.
Two years into her position with the company the 6ft model is suing the agency for claiming her92cm waist was too big for the catwalk deeming her "too big".
Elite Model Management took the title off  of Ananda and only payed her €10,000 out of cash prize she was promised because her hip measurement was a mere 2cm over the allowed  "limit".
This news has sparked rumours and controversy throughout the Netherlands and Ananda's case will be judged in an Amsterdam court on March 7th.
Lawyer Dieuwke Levinson-Arps is fighting her case after being described as having a "pretty face with a fat arse".
Having seen Ms Marchildon's pictures, her body before and during the Next Top model looks painfully thin and many have said they thought the model was anorexic.
In some pictures you can clearly see her ribs through the skimpy short tops and many of her pictures show the model posing and looking as thin than ever.
How can anyone say that this model "gained weight" at all? What kind of message is this sending to young girls and women who are body concious? That there should be a limit on your hip measurement or even on the weight you gain in your life? Why does it matter?
These models are thin enough as it is and should not be insulted and ridiculed for gaining a little if any weight at all!
How on earth are young women meant to believe that weight isn't everything in this body concious impressionable world? Fashion is art and yes the models are beautiful with bodies thy are "desired" by many women worldwide, but since when did it all become about the size?
The infamous Marilyn Monroe was far from being anorexic and made millions from her beauty and her fashion!! Why is it that thin models are admired so much these days? Why do we think they look so good?
The Fashion industry surely knows its impact on their audience, so why are they impacting negatively on them? Tyra Banks hosts Americas Next Top Model, and she is infamous for her looks and for her fluctuating body image! Ms Banks is a beautiful woman whatever her size, and shows that young women do not have to be borderline anorexic to model!
Ms Marchildon's case is just over a month away, and Im sure young girls and women everywhere would agree with what I have said in this article, and how I hope she receives the justice she deserves!


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