I read the article (the above link) in today's Independent newspaper by Yasmin Alibhai Brown.
Ok, so some women like buying pretty underwear and looking nice for their boyfriends/partners/husbands , but I cannot believe that someone, a female journalist wrote "as good as it gets". Really??
After our female ancestors have fought for, the right to vote, to have careers like men, does she really think that shoe shopping and buying fancy lingerie is as good as it gets?
What kind of message is she sending to us women? No it isn't as good as it gets, at all! Personally I am looking and working towards a career in Journalism but I do like to dress up, to look good and feel good about myself everyday. But for myself, not for anyone else! We should not be made to feel by cheap fashion, celeb, and gossip magazines that thats all there is in life!
A lot of women like shopping yes, buying shoes, clothes, perfumes, but they also like doing other things, like learning, raising a family, bringing in a wage! What happened to feminism? What happened to bra burnings? At this rate, women will soon be diving back into the fire to save their expensive Ann Summers lingerie in case their boyfriends disapproval!
Each to their own. I am not writing this to preach what is right or wrong, I just think that women should not be generalized, because, yes it is hard to be a woman, but we are powerful. We have the power to hit our targets, to raise a family, to have a high powered career, or even, dare i say it both! We can do whatever we want to do.
Its not all about shoe shopping and fancy lingerie, sometimes it takes a little more substance...
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